Helping Older Adults Manage PUD and GERD | Conditions of the Older Adult

Explore the causes, symptoms, and treatments of peptic ulcer disease (PUD) and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), in older adults. The content will cover age-related changes that make older individuals more susceptible to these conditions and provide guidance on appropriate use of medication, treatment and management of PUD and GERD. 

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Peptic ulcer disease (PUD) and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) are two common digestive disorders that affect a large proportion of the elderly population and can cause significant morbidity and mortality if left untreated. This program covers the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and management of PUD and GERD in older adults. Age-related anatomic and physiologic changes that put older persons at higher risk for these conditions will be discussed. The clinical presentation of PUD and GERD in the elderly, medication-related causes of PUD and GERD, and appropriate use of antacids, H2RAs, and PPIs in PUD and GERD will also be covered. Additionally, specific treatments for H. Pylori and ASA/NSAID-induced PUD will be outlined. 

This module is extracted from the Board Certified Geriatric Pharmacist (BCGP) Preparation Course. The content in this module provides current treatment guidelines for all populations and are not necessarily specific to geriatric care. 

Learning objectives:

  • Identify age-related anatomic and physiologic changes in older persons that put them at higher risk for PUD and GERD  
  • Describe the pathophysiology of PUD and GERD in older adults and their clinical presentation 
  • Understand medication-related causes of PUD and GERD  
  • Discuss the appropriate use of antacids, H2RAs and PPIs in PUD and GERD  
  • Describe specific treatments for H. Pylori and ASA/NSAID-induced PUD 

Course outline:

  • Learning Module
  • Multiple Choice Exam
  • Program Evaluation

Course at a glance:

Who should take this course:

This online professional development program is developed for pharmacists who would like to increase their knowledge.

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