As of August 10, 2017, patients with a valid Ontario health card and a valid prescription have been able to access Mifepristone/Misoprostol (Mifegymiso) at no cost.


Pharmacies will be reimbursed through the public drug program for $337.25, which includes both the mark-up and dispensing fee. More details about claims submissions can be found in the FAQ. The approximate list price of Mifegymiso is $300. Pharmacies are advised to check with their respective wholesalers to obtain more specific information on cost and availability or contact the manufacturer to order directly.


The Ontario Pharmacists Association recommends that pharmacists familiarize themselves with the guidance document on Dispensing Mifegymiso developed by the Ontario College of Pharmacists. In terms of pharmacist training, according to this document, in order to dispense any medication, including Mifegymiso, pharmacists are expected to have sufficient knowledge, skills and abilities. Furthermore, in order to determine the appropriateness of the drug for the patient, the pharmacist must ensure they have the appropriate training about the medication and the resources to allow them to assess the risks and benefits of use as well as any other factors that may be relevant.


Members are encouraged to reach out to OPA’s Practice Support Network at [email protected] with any questions or concerns about reimbursement and claim submissions for Mifepristone/Misoprostol (Mifegymiso).
