OPA Owners Bundle members have access to a member of our professional affairs team who can help you review the facts and circumstances of the regulatory complaint, and work with you to help you draft your response.

We encourage members who are eligible for this service to contact OPA as early as possible should you require assistance. Members will be required to sign the disclaimer form prior to OPA providing any assistance. The review process and response can take up to two weeks and may take longer depending on the situation.

To access this service:

  1. Complete and email back the agreement outlining the disclaimers, terms and conditions. Be sure to include your name and daytime phone number.
  2. A representative from OPA will call you within one business day of receiving your fax/email to provide additional details.

Complaints Support services are available to OPA Owners Bundle members from Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. (holiday restrictions may apply).

For more information, contact us at [email protected].