Andrew Hanna

Andrew Hanna

Pharmacist, Owner

Andrew Hanna has taken a different approach in helping to increase access to vaccinations. Recognizing the high demand for COVID-19 booster shots, Andrew decided to hold the first overnight booster clinic. In this member feature we asked Andrew some question to learn about how he’s been supporting his community during the pandemic. 

Watch the story on CTV News.

How and why did you come up with the concept to provide an overnight booster vaccination clinic?

I Wanted to part of the campaign on promoting COVID Vaccines and to give people a chance to get vaccinated as quickly as possible without having to wait for weeks or months to get one. I thought of an overnight vaccine clinic would be ideal and get everyone a chance to come out.

What sort of preparation (administrative or otherwise) did hosting the overnight booster vaccination clinic require?

We started spreading the word out months in advance, in hopes that it would come around and into people’s ears. The use of social media, like Facebook was very useful to us. Making sure we had a good and secured team for this event. Also making sure we had enough PPE’s and enough dosages for everyone. Putting a good system in place when dealing with line ups, how many minutes on average we would spend on a patient getting their vaccines.

How did you find volunteers to assist with the clinic?

Through word of mouth, our patients asked us if they can volunteer, especially when we all know that it was going to be a very busy night, and anything can happen. They asked us to help us with the line ups outside, and to come up with a system such as a QR Code that people can scan and secure their spot while waiting in their cars (during a cold night) to be called up for their shot. (thanks to Mrs. Delisle for organizing this). Even during the clinic, people outside volunteer themselves to help make the process and the line-ups to go even smoother.

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If other OPA members or pharmacy professionals are interested in hosting an overnight clinic, what tips do you have to assist with the process and what were some of the lessons you learned?

Make sure you have a good team in place. Create your processes from Start to finish and make sure your team is well aware of it.


Lesson Learned: Have a plan B, in case you might have software issues. (Note on the CoVaxon portal, it resets at Midnight!)

If you would like to be featured or have a colleague featured in future editions, please contact [email protected].