Opportunity to provide strategic foresight and help guide the strategy of the Ontario Pharmacists Association as we provide solutions to improve healthcare capacity and access to community-based services by leveraging the expertise and role of pharmacy professionals. 


Ontario is facing unprecedented changes in healthcare to respond to shifts in demographics and keep pace with technology and improved access to patient care. The Ontario Pharmacists Association is looking for a Director-at-Large to bring his or her guidance and expertise to its Board of Directors. Get an inside look at pharmacy and the pivotal role Ontario’s 20,000+ pharmacy professionals play in the healthcare system and the everyday lives of their patients. You’ll work with a diverse and engaged Board of Directors comprised of pharmacy and business professionals who are eager to adopt, innovate and improve the profession and care of their patients. In particular, we are seeking a candidate whose skills complement the current Board competencies and has experience in one or more of the following areas:

  • Financial background / Venture Capital / Investment
  • Technology / AI / Data Analytics
  • Member acquisition & retention / Growth and Sales
  • General business acumen beyond the pharmacy sector
  • Similar Boards / Associations
  • Diversity

If you have a passion for healthcare and the business of pharmacy and are looking for ways to share your knowledge and skills at a senior level, then we need you!


Submit your resume to Ms. Ushma Rajdev by 5:00 p.m. Friday, December 30, 2022.


Read more about OPA’s Director-at-Large position:


Ontario Pharmacists Association – Director-at-Large – Job Description



The OPA is committed to good governance practice to enhance the effectiveness of the Board by seeking Directors at Large to complement the Board by providing specific skills and attributes. These will include expertise to complement the existing skill set and strength of the Board and/or to ensure that the Board has internal expertise relevant to high priority issues.

Directors at Large shall be elected to serve a 3-year term and shall be eligible to serve for two consecutive 3-year terms.



The primary duties of the Director-at-Large are to:

  • effectively serve on the Board by consistently using his / her best efforts;
  • represent the advancement of, and help safeguard the interests of the pharmacy and pharmacists in the province of Ontario; and
  • advise and provide input on issues impacting pharmacy in Ontario.

Qualification and Appointment

The Director-at-Large shall possess the following qualifications:

  • have previous board and governance experience
  • if a member of another regulatory body, not have had a finding of professional misconduct and/or incompetence in the past three years;
  • be free of any potential conflict of interest which could present an impediment to the Board;
  • have demonstrated skills and expertise that will provide governance oversight, and provincial pharmacy expertise
  • be able to commit to the time requirements; and
  • prior to being approved by the Governance and Nominating (GNC) Committee, must submit a completed police background check.

When there is a need to make a new appointment or to fill a vacancy, the GNC shall make recommendations for Board consideration.


Term of Office

Directors at Large shall be elected to serve a 3-year term and shall be eligible to serve for two consecutive 3-year terms.


A Director-at-Large will be eligible for re-election to the Board at the end of his or her term up to the maximum number of terms provided that such director continues to meet the qualification requirements to be a director. Upon the completion of the maximum term on the Board, a minimum of three (3) year absence is required before eligibility for re- election on the board is restored.


Time Commitment

  • Attend at least 80 percent of the meetings of the Board or meeting of committees of which he or she is a member;
  • Regularly (80%) arrive on time;
  • Regularly (80%) remain at the Board and/or committee meetings until the meetings end; and
  • Commit to the time commitment as per the OPA individual director job description.



The Director-at-Large is entitled to claim per diem and allowance expenses at the OPA board member rates as set out by the OPA board of directors from time to time.


Termination and Resignation

The Director-at-Large whose personal and/or professional circumstances changes such that he or she is no longer eligible for appointment shall immediately notify the Board Chair and discuss the appropriate course of action which may include immediately discontinuing serving as the representative.


The Director of Large, if found to be in breach of the time commitments as set out in section E above shall be deemed to be in breach of his/her fiduciary duties and will be recommended to the Board for disqualification from continuing to serve.