The Ontario Pharmacists Association (OPA) is proud to announce the development of a “Practice Site Code of Ethics” (Code) and a “Patient Charter of Rights and Responsibilities” (Charter). This initiative will support pharmacy professionals and practice sites in Ontario by addressing current and future issues, like protecting patient choice in the context of closed preferred provider networks and the right to practice with professional autonomy regardless of role within the workplace. These resources aim to resolve the challenges in decision-making dynamics within the workplace by ensuring that policies directing patient care meet the same ethical standards as those upheld by the professionals delivering care.


As the voice of Ontario’s pharmacy professionals, OPA is uniquely positioned to lead this critical work. We will convene an editorial committee of experts and key stakeholders and ensure member consultation throughout the process. The Code will align with the Ontario College of Pharmacists Code of Ethics, establishing clear ethical standards for practice sites. This will help define the ethical principles that practice sites must adhere to, serving as a vital resource for practice sites, pharmacy professionals, and patients. In drafting the Code, OPA will consult and gather input from all relevant stakeholders.


OPA aims to ensure that all decision-makers within practice sites uphold their respective codes of ethics, with mechanisms for evaluation and recourse where the Code may not be followed. This framework will support ethical decision-making for all influencing policies and practices within the workplace, guiding the resolution of conflicts between organizational policies and individual professional autonomy.


The Charter will clearly define the rights of patients receiving health care from pharmacy professionals and will align with both individual and practice site Codes. It will also outline patient responsibilities in their therapeutic relationship with pharmacy providers and set expectations for the physical and psychological safety of providers while delivering care.


Stay tuned for more updates as we work towards strengthening the ethical foundation of pharmacy practice in Ontario.