The Issue | Beginning in 2014, the Ontario Ministry of Labour commissioned a review of the changing nature of the workplace. The review looks at how the Labour Relations Act 1991 and the Employment Standards Act 2000 might be amended to protect workers while still supporting businesses in a changing economy. The review, which is expected to be completed later this year, does not focus on the exemptions to the Act which affect pharmacists; however, we do know that pharmacists have participated in public hearings across Ontario to make a case for change. |
Our Role | Representatives from OPA’s Board of Directors met with the Minster of Labour, Kevin Flynn, at the end of 2016 to discuss some of the challenges faced by non-management pharmacists because of the exemptions under the Employment Standards Act. In May 2017, the Minister of Labour released the Changing Workplaces Review. As part of that announcement, it was acknowledged that, because of the unique nature of this profession, pharmacy requires its own discussion as part of this process. |
Next Steps | The Association has been invited to participate in further consultations with the Ministry of Labour this fall. |
Employment Standards Act